Navigating the complexities of a divorce or establishment matter can be overwhelming for anyone, especially when considering the care of a child or children. Drafting a well-articulated parenting plan can help you and your partner be more prepared for any parenting time or legal decision making concerns that may arise.

A well-drafted parenting plan should focus ultimately on what is in the best interests of the child(ren) and their well-being. The parties should consider a co-parenting strategy that allows both parties to be involved in the child(ren)’s development and security.

There are a wide range of areas to consider when discussing a parenting plan with your partner, and it is important to address any personal or relationship-specific issues before problems arise.

The Courts will always default to terms that allow equal parenting time and decision making authority to both parents, as any child will benefit from having both of their parents involved in their lives in some capacity. However, the parties are permitted to agree to any custom terms that they desire outside of Court.

Our experienced family attorneys at Raiff Representation are here to help you navigate this challenging process, and ensure that the best interests of your child(ren) are prioritized.

The following list includes, but is not limited to, a variety of issues to take into account when discussing a parenting plan:

  • Regular parenting time schedules
  • School vacation schedules
  • Holiday and vacation schedules
  • Special dates (i.e. birthdays)
  • Future modifications of any parenting time schedules
  • Transportation and exchanges of the child(ren)
  • Temporary schedule changes
  • Schooling decisions for the child(ren)
  • Medical decisions for the child(ren)
  • Personal care decisions for the child(ren)
  • Religious decisions for the child(ren)
  • Internet and cell-phone usage
  • Shared and individual extracurricular expenses
  • Parent/child communication
  • Co-parent communication
  • Third party supervision
  • Educational funds and/or savings accounts for the child(ren)

It is important for both parents to be on the same page regarding their child(ren)’s parenting time and legal decision making. This will help ensure stability and consistency for their child(ren) during and after the associated court process.

If you are preparing for a divorce, navigating an establishment matter, or need guidance with drafting a parenting plan, Raiff Representation will help guide you in the right direction and ensure what is best for you and your family.

Call or email us today to schedule a one-on-one consultation with a trusted family attorney.

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7137 East Rancho Vista Drive, Scottsdale
Arizona 85251, United States

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New York 11206, United States